
Aliaksei Bulhak

Software Developer (Java + Node)

About me:

I have started my career as a Java developer and work in this area for 7-8 years. During this period tried different frameworks like Spring, SpringBoot, Dropwizard, CXF, Camel. Also have experience with Frontend development while it is not my main job but still have production experience with React, Vanilla Js, Redux, MobX I have experience in development micro-service architecture, support old monolithic application, hands-on experience in AWS infrastructure. I am seeking for the position that utilizes my technical skills and provides professional development.



till now

Bolt ÖU

Position:Senior Software Developer

Description:Project description: I'm part of Commerce/Billing team

Responsibilities: Support existing functionality responsible for all kind of document genration (invoice, credit notes, statements)
Full circle of feature development including architecture, discussion with products and presentation solution to the team
Fix bugs

Technologies: NodeJs, Typescript
Tooling: yarn, pnpm
Frontend: Internal React based framework




Position:Software Developer (L3)

Description:I was part of Conversations team. The main responsibilities were bug fixing, monitoring, initial set-up of terraform for Sync team

Technologies: Java: Spring (Core, MVC, Boot, AOP), JSP, Servlets
DB: Casandra, DynamoDb
Tooling: Maven, IntellijIDEA, Jira, Github, Slack,
ENV: AWS (ES2, S3) Terraform, Docker
Backend: Java, Dropwizard



Epam Systems

Position:Senior Java Developer

Description:Project description: Application for streaming data from different configurable source (Database, event producers) to sink (REST API, Database)

Responsibilities: Work by SCRUM methodology
Write POC for new technologis
Introduce best practitises
Set up processes (CI/CD, integration testing, unit testing, performance testing, acceptence testing,
Code Review, Static code analyzation)
Set up metrics and statistics gathering
Hold demonstration sessions for customer
Implement new functional using reactive approach
Fix bugs

Technologies: Java: Spring (Core, MVC, Boot, AOP), JSP, Servlets
DB: MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Liquibase
Tooling: Gradle, DBeaver, IntellijIDEA, Jira, Github, Slack,
ENV: AWS (RDS, ES2, S3, R53, VPC, ELB, KMS), Kubernetes, Helm, Terraform, Docker
CI/CD: Jenkins
Testing: Gatling, Cypress, Cucumber, Pact, JUnit5(Jupiter)
Monitoring: Grafana, Prometheus, Checkstyle, Findbugs, PMD, Sonar
Backend: Spring (WebFlux, Data, Boot, Cloud Gateway, Security, Cloud Sleuth, Actuator, Test), Reactor,
OAuth2, Lombok, HickariCP
Frontend: JS, TS, React, Redux, MobX



Epam Systems

Position:Senior Java Developer

Description:Development of new functionality, maintainace of existing code, bug fixing, story/implementation discussion and estimation

Responsibilities: Implementation and maintains of monolith and microservice applications.

Technologies: Java: Spring (Core, MVC, Boot, AOP), JSP, Servlets
Amazon Web Services: EC2, ELB, Route53, S3, SQS
Build/CI/CD Tools: Maven, Jenkins, Docker
Database: Oracle
Testing: JUnit, Mockito, JMock, DBUnit, WireMock



Intetics Inc.

Position:Java Software Developer/SSE1

Description:Developing and maintenance monolith application migration of some parts from monolith to separate microservices. Take part in migration of all applications from customer’s data center to AWS.

Responsibilities: Implementation and maintains of monolith and microservice applications. Delivery to production and emergency monitoring.

Technologies: Java: Spring (Core, MVC, Boot, Security, Data, AOP), JPA, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets
Amazon Web Services: EC2, Lambda, ELB, Route53, S3, DynamoDB, CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, API Gateway, SNS
Build/CI/CD Tools: Maven, Jenkins, Docker, Terraform
Tools: Git, Splunk, Swagger
Database: MS SQL, SOLR
Testing: JUnit, Mockito, JMock, DBUnit, WireMock



Epam Systems

Position:Java Software Developer

Description:Developing Restful/Soap services to provide all king of information to Hotel PMS systems, Also developed application that provide Rest API(generate and manipulate doorlocks tokens) to our Mobile team.

Responsibilities: Implementation and maintains of this application. Integration with external PMS(Property Management Systems) and DoorLocking systems(Visionline).

Technologies: Spring DI, Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Gemfire, EhCache, TestNG, Mockito, Jboss Fuse



Epam Systems

Position:Java Software Developer

Description:Developing Restful API for getting basic geo information about hotels by calling multiple internal and external APIs like Google Maps API or MapQuest.

Responsibilities: My role was to implement integrations with internal SOAP services and Hotel Content Service, Reservation Service and with some external systems like Google and MapQuest. Also, participate in developing contract that we provide to our clients.

Technologies: Spring DI, Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Gemfire, EhCache, TestNG, Mockito, Jboss Fuse



Epam Systems

Position:Junior Software Engeneer

Description:Developed proof of concept application. The main idea of this application was provide ability to convert reservations from old PMS system to new one.

Technologies: Maven, Jenkins, SOAP UI, Idea IDE.



Epam Systems

Position: Trainee

Description:Performing different training tasks.

Technologies: Spring DI, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JPA, JDBC, Struts, JSF, XML, XSD, XSLT, XPath, AJAX, JSP, Servlet.

